
   The Mauthausen concentration camp was located near Linz, Austria. It was constructed in 1938, soon after the Anschluss, and consisted of two main camps as well as 49 subcamps. Mauthausen was both a forced labor camp and a death camp, inasmuch as it also included a gas chamber and a crematorium. The camp also used the gassing facilities in the nearby Schloss Hartheim to supplement its own killing process. The camp was the hub of the Schutzstaffel (SS) industrial empire in Austria. Those engaged in forced labor consisted of both Jews and non-Jews who were employed in the construction of subterranean tunnels to house factories for rocket assemblies and the production of plane parts. Approximately 120,000 prisoners were murdered or worked to death at Mauthausen. This included approximately 38,000 Jews. The camp was liberated by American forces on 5 May 1945.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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  • Mauthausen — Mauthausen …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • MAUTHAUSEN — MAUTHAUSEN, Nazi concentration camp in Austria, 12½ mi. (20 km.) S.E. of Linz, established in April 1938 shortly after the annexation in March of Austria to the Third Reich. The ss employed its prisoners in the local granite quarry called… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Mauthausen — Mauthausen …   Wikipedia

  • Mauthausen — Mauthausen,   Marktgemeinde im Bezirk Perg, Oberösterreich, am linken Donauufer gegenüber der Ennsmündung, 265 m über dem Meeresspiegel, 4 500 Einwohner; Bezirksgericht; Museum für Stahlschnittkunst und für Steinmetzarbeit; Granitsteinbrüche. Bei …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Mauthausen — Mauthausen, Marktflecken in Oberösterreich, Bezirksh. Perg, am linken Ufer der Donau, über die eine Eisenbahn und eine fliegende Brücke führt, an den Staatsbahnlinien St. Valentin Budweis und M. Grein, Sitz eines Bezirksgerichts, mit einem Schloß …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • Mauthausen — village d Autriche, sur le Danube, site d un camp nazi (1938 1945) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Mauthausen — (izg. màthauzn) m DEFINICIJA grad na obali Dunava u gornjoj Austriji, 4500 stan.; u blizini grada bio je od kolovoza 1938. do svibnja 1945. nacistički koncentracioni logor …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • Mauthausen — 48°15′32″N 14°30′04″E / 48.25889, 14.50111 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mauthausen — (Para el campo de concentración homónimo, ver Campo de concentración de Mauthausen.) Escudo Mapa Datos Estado …   Wikipedia Español

  • Mauthausen — ▪ concentration camp, Austria       one of the most notorious Nazi (Nazi Party) concentration camps (concentration camp), located near the village of Mauthausen, on the Danube River, 12 miles (20 km) east of Linz, Austria. It was established in… …   Universalium

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