Badge, Jewish

Badge, Jewish

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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  • BADGE, JEWISH — BADGE, JEWISH, distinctive sign compulsorily worn by Jews. Muslim World The introduction of a mark to distinguish persons not belonging to the religious faith of the majority did not originate in Christendom, where it was later radically imposed …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jewish Polish history during the 20th century — Jewish Polish history during the 1900s:Interwar period 1918 1939Independence and Polish JewsJews also played a role in the fight for independence in 1918, some joining Józef Piłsudski, but many other communities decided to remain neutral in the… …   Wikipedia

  • Jewish emancipation — was the abolition of discriminatory laws as applied especially to Jews in Europe in the nineteenth century, the recognition of Jews as equal to other citizens, and the formal granting of citizenship to European Jews. Emancipation was a major goal …   Wikipedia

  • Badge of shame — A badge of shame, also a symbol of shame, mark of shame, or simply a stigma,[1] is typically a distinctive symbol required to be worn by a specific group or an individual for the purpose of public humiliation, ostracism, or persecution. Under the …   Wikipedia

  • Jewish hat — For the modern Jewish skullcap, see kippah.The Jewish hat also known as the Jewish cap, Judenhut (German) or Latin pilleus cornutus ( horned skullcap ), was a white or yellow cone shaped pointed hat worn by Jews in Medieval Europe and some of the …   Wikipedia

  • JEWISH QUARTER — The existence of separate Jewish streets or quarters (Lat. Platea Judaeorum; Sp. Judería; Fr. Juiverie; It. Giudecca; Eng. Jewry; Ger. Judengasse, Pol. Ulica Żydowska) originated in the voluntary preference of the Jewish community to live in a… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Jewish Legion — This article is about the British Army battalions known as the Jewish Legion or Zion Mule Corps, which fought in World War I against the Ottoman Empire. For other Jewish legions, see Jewish legion (disambiguation). The Jewish Legion was the name… …   Wikipedia

  • Jewish deicide — Antisemitism Part of Jewish history …   Wikipedia

  • Yellow badge — The yellow badge (or yellow patch), also referred to as a Jewish badge, was a cloth patch that Jews were ordered to sew on their outer garments in order to mark them as Jews in public. It is intended to be a badge of shame associated with… …   Wikipedia

  • Yellow Star Of David Badge —    The yellow badge, and less often the blue badge, was first introduced by the Germans in Lublin in November 1939 in order to readily identify Jews and to create a gulf between them and the rest of the population. The wearing of the Jewish badge …   Historical dictionary of the Holocaust

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