
   The Yiddish word refers to the small Jewish villages or towns in Eastern Europe before World War II. During the war, thousands of shtetls, located in Eastern Europe, Poland, Lithuania, Belarussia, and the Western Ukraine, were destroyed by the Nazis and their Jewish population either murdered or moved into ghettos.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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  • SHTETL — (pl. shtetlakh; Russ. mestechko; Pol. miasteczko; Heb. צֲיָרָה), Yiddish diminutive for shtot meaning town or city, to imply a relatively small community; in Eastern Europe a unique socio cultural communal pattern. The real criteria for the size… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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  • shtetl — small Jewish town or village in Eastern Europe, 1949, from Yiddish, lit. little town, from dim. of Ger. Stadt city, town, from O.H.G. stat place, from PIE root *sta to stand (see STET (Cf. stet)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • shtetl* — shtetl [[t]ˈʃtɛt l, ˈʃteɪ tl[/t]] n. pl. shtet•lach [[t]ˈʃtɛt lɑx, ləx, ˈʃteɪt [/t]] Eng. shtetls jud Yiddish (formerly) a Jewish village in E Europe …   From formal English to slang

  • shtetl — [shtet′ l] n. pl. shtetlach or Eng. shtetls [shtet′läkh΄] [shtet′ lz] [Yiddish, dim. of shtot, city < MHG stat, city] any of the former Jewish village communities of E Europe, esp. in Russia …   English World dictionary

  • Shtetl — A shtetl (Yiddish: שטעטל, diminutive form of Yiddish shtot שטאָט, town , pronounced very similarly to the South German diminutive Städtle , little town ; cf. Middle High German: stetelîn, stetlîn, stetel) was typically a small town with a large… …   Wikipedia

  • Shtetl — Le shtetl de Lakhva, en Pologne, en 1926 Un shtetl (ou schtetl, ou stetl, du yiddish שטעטל chtetl/schtetl, au pluriel שטעטלעך, chtetlekh/schtetlech, allemand dialectal : Städtel/Städtl/Städtle/Städtli, « petite ville », allemand… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shtetl — Schtetl von Pinsk, 1903 Ein Schtetl (jiddisch שטעטל‎, schtetl; Plural שטעטלעך‎, schtetlech; deutsch „Städtlein“) ist die Bezeichnung für Siedlungen mit hohem jüdischem Bevölkerungsanteil im Siedlungsbereich der Juden in Osteuropa vor dem …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Shtetl — Mapa de la Zona de Asentamiento. Un shtetl (en yiddish שטעטל, forma abreviada de la palabra en yiddish shtot, שטאָט, poblado , pronunciado de manera muy parecida al diminutivo Sud Alemán Städtle …   Wikipedia Español

  • shtetl — also shtetel noun (plural shtetlach; also shtetels) Etymology: Yiddish shtetl, from Middle High German stetel, diminutive of stat place, town, city, from Old High German, place more at stead Date: 1949 a small Jewish town or village formerly… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • shtetl —    , stetl    (SHTEH tl) [Yiddish, diminutive of German Stadt: city] Formerly, a Jewish village or small town in eastern Europe, often a regional market center; a semirural, semiurban community of peddlers, shopkeepers, and artisans.    When… …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

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