
(Jewish Census).
   In 1916, the German High Command conducted a Judenzahlung (Jewish census) that disproved allegations of a lack of patriotism among German Jews, but the survey was not made public despite the fact that most German Jews viewed the war as an opportunity to prove their commitment to the fatherland. Adolf Hitler, in particular, accused the Jews of betraying the German war effort and Jewish soldiers of lacking ability and courage in battle. The reality, however, was far different. Despite charges made by anti-Semitic groups that they evaded military service, Jews flocked to the front and contributed 100,000 soldiers or nearly 18 percent of the 1 percent German Jewish population. Four fifths of these volunteers served on the front lines, 35,000 were decorated, and 12,000, or 12 percent, were killed in battle. The participation of the Jews in the war entitled them to believe that through the crucible of battle, they had proved their loyalty beyond question to Germany.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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