Holocaust Denial

Holocaust Denial
   This is the claim that the genocide of the Jews during World War II did not occur at all or that the Holocaust did not happen in the way historians have recorded it. Holocaust deniers reject the claim that Nazi Germany had a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews of Europe or that mechanisms of mass killing, such as gas chambers or death camps, ever existed. Rather, Holocaust deniers claim that the Nazi concept of the Final Solution meant only the emigration of the Jews, not their annihilation. Referring to the Holocaust as a hoax, they deny that six million Jews were killed during the war, and claim that the Diary of Anne Frank is a forgery. Holocaust deniers view the Holocaust as part of a Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews, such as using the Holocaust to justify the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East, and Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. For this reason, Holocaust denial is generally considered to be anti-Semitic. The motivation for Holocaust denial may be to rehabilitate the image of Adolf Hitler and his ideology of Aryan superiority. To prove that the Holocaust was a fabrication would restore not only Hitler to his rightful place in history but also racial theory as a legitimate subject for public discourse.
   In the United States, Willis Carto was a leading figure in the thenpostwar Holocaust denial movement. In 1969, he founded Noontide Press, which published The Myth of the Six Million by David Hoggan, the first major book stating that the Holocaust was a lie promoted by a Jewish-led conspiracy. Noontide Press soon became the major publisher of anti-Semitic, Holocaust denial, and racist literature in the United States. Professional historians criticize the methodology of the Holocaust deniers as being based on a predetermined conclusion that ignores extensive historical evidence to the contrary.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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  • Holocaust denial — Antisemitism Part of Jewish history …   Wikipedia

  • HOLOCAUST DENIAL — In one sense, Holocaust denial began during World War II, as the Nazis tried to carry out their mass murder of Jews in secret and in many cases returned to the sites of destruction to destroy the evidence, plow the camps under or dig up and burn… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Laws Against Holocaust Denial —    Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European nations. Many countries also have broader laws that criminalize genocide denial. In addition, the European Union has issued a directive to combat racism and xenophobia, which makes provision… …   Historical dictionary of the Holocaust

  • Holocaust denial — noun Denial of the Holocaust as a historical event, i.e. the genocide of six million Jews and others, or underestimating the numbers killed. See Also: holocaust denier …   Wiktionary

  • Laws against Holocaust denial — Holocaust denial is illegal in a number of European countries. Many countries also have broader laws against libel or inciting racial hatred, as do a number of countries that do not specifically have laws against Holocaust denial, such as Canada… …   Wikipedia

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  • Criticism of Holocaust denial — criticizes claims to the effect that the genocide of Jews during World War II usually referred to as the Holocaust[1] did not occur in the manner or to the extent described by current scholarship. Key elements of such claims are the rejection of… …   Wikipedia

  • Belgian Holocaust denial law — The Belgian Holocaust denial law, passed on March 23, 1995, bans public Holocaust denial. Specifically, the law makes it illegal to publicly deny, play down, justify or approve of the genocide committed by the German National Socialist regime… …   Wikipedia

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  • Holocaust trivialization debate — Holocaust trivialization is the term used to describe the metaphorical (or otherwise comparative) use of the word Holocaust. Numerous authors argue that such uses trivialize the meaning of the Holocaust, and many consider them offensive. [… …   Wikipedia

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