Fugu Plan

Fugu Plan
   See Japan.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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  • Fugu Plan — The nihongo|Fugu Plan or Fugu Plot|河豚計画|Fugu keikaku was a scheme created in the 1930s in Imperial Japan centered around the idea of settling Jewish refugees escaping Nazi occupied Europe in Japan s territories on the Asian mainland to Japan s… …   Wikipedia

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  • Fugu (disambiguation) — Fugu could be: * Fugu, a Japanese name for certain pufferfish * Fugu (software), an SFTP clientSee also: * Fugu Plan, an abortive Japanese plan to re settle European Jews in Asia, named after the fish. * Fu Jia, a Cao Wei official whose name can… …   Wikipedia

  • Plan Fugu — Le Plan Fugu ou Complot Fugu (en japonais: 河豚計画:Fugu keikaku) est un plan préparé dans les années 1930 dans le Japon impérial afin d installer des réfugiés juifs fuyant l Europe occupée par les nazis, dans des territoires occupés par les Japonais …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fugu — nihongo|Fugu|河豚 : ふぐ is the Japanese word for pufferfish and is also a Japanese dish prepared from the meat of pufferfish (normally species of Takifugu , Lagocephalus , or Sphoeroides ) or porcupinefish of the genus Diodon . Because pufferfish is …   Wikipedia

  • Madagaskar-Plan — geographische Lage Madagaskars vor der Ostküste Afrikas Der so genannte Madagaskarplan (auch Madagaskar Plan) war eine vom nationalsozialistischen Regime Deutschlands zu Beginn des Zweiten Weltkriegs kurzzeitig verfolgte Erwägung, die eine… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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  • History of the Jews in Japan — Jews are a minor ethnic and religious group in Japan, presently consisting of only about 1,000Fact|date=September 2007 people or about 0.0008%Fact|date=September 2007 of Japan s total population. Though Judaism has existed and been practiced on a …   Wikipedia

  • Proposals for a Jewish state — There were several proposals for a Jewish state in the course of Jewish history between the destruction of ancient Israel and the founding of the modern State of Israel. While some of those have come into existence, others were never implemented …   Wikipedia

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