
(Fountain Of Life)
   Heinrich Himmler believed that in the distant past, when the German empire stretched as far as Livonia, the Nordic German ruling class intermarried with the Slavic population, thus creating a population of mixed “blood.” He was convinced that the Nordic traits of the Slavs made them dangerous to Germany. Thus, Germany had the choice of incorporating this remnant of mixed Nordic and Slavic blood into the nation or exterminating it. Himmler ordered the Schutzstaffel (SS) in Poland to search for this valued stock and bring the offspring to Germany, where they would be placed in special kindergartens or children’s homes. The Lebensborn organization placed kidnapped Polish and other Slavic children who had Nordic or Aryan physical traits in the Lebensborn facilities, where it was anticipated that they would be adopted by SS families.

Historical dictionary of the Holocaust. . 2014.

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